~ Be thankful for what you have.. you'll end up having more...
If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough....~~ :) Tapak kaki kita kalau dah KERAS, pijak paku dan duri pun tidak terasa apa sebab tumitnya dah keras. Tetapi kalau tapak kaki yang LEMBUT, terpijak duri sikit je terus sakit dan berdarah. Demikian juga hati, kalau ia dah keras tak terasa lagi bersalah kalau buat dosa. Sebab itu, jangan sampai hati kita keras sampai tak terasa bersalah untuk buat maksiat.. -Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat- By: PEANUT...

30 October 2009

~~PROUD TO BE MUSLIM!!!!!!~~~~

I am a Muslim woman

Feel free to ask me why

When I walk,

I walk with dignity

When I speak

I do not lie

I am a Muslim woman

Not all of me you'll see

But what you should appreciate

Is that the choice I make is free

I'm not plagued with depression

I'm neither cheated nor abused

I don't envy other women

And I'm certainly not confused

Note, I speak perfect English

Et un petit peu de Francais aussi

I'm majoring in Linguistics

So you need not speak slowly

I run my own small business

Every cent I earn is mine

I drive my Chevy to school & work

And no, that's not a crime!

You often stare as I walk by

You don't understand my veil

But peace and power I have found

As I am equal to any male!

I am a Muslim woman

So please don't pity me

For God has guided me to truth

And now I'm finally free!

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